NOVEMBER 18, 2023 AT 10 AM PST


A life changing 1 day course to manifest your desires & create your Reality the way you want! Learn the secrets of how the cosmos really works, based on ancient vedic principles!

Learn the ancient science of manifesting reality to create what you want, from the space of Oneness through spiritual powers. Revived by the SPH JGM HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam.

In our life:

  • There are things in our life which we wanted to have, and we have them

  • There are things in our life which we wanted to have but don’t have

  • There are things that we don’t want, but we have them in our lives anyway

Join us to learn:

  • Why is that? Why is the story of our life written in that fashion?

  • Who wrote it?

  • Why did they write it?

  • How to rewrite it?


Each of us want to achieve so many things in life. Sometimes thing happen effortlessly, sometimes with struggle, sometimes even after so much effort, it just doesn’t seem to move. Have we ever thought why? Is it how it is meant to be? Or just that you have not put the effort in the right direction? How do you know? Is it your bad luck that you couldn’t achieve what you want? Or is it that someone else is stopping it? How can you break the barriers and achieve what you want in life? Hinduism has the science of manifest your reality and the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatgurumahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam has made it into an easy-to-practice technique. This powerful technique of manifesting your reality is taught in this program, so you can apply this technique to manifest whatever reality you want.

In this Program

You will work on manifesting one desire into reality

You will learn how you manifested the reality you are currently experiencing and the science of rewriting your past to manifest your future. You will only work on one desire during the program but you will learn the science so you can implement this technique everyday in your life!

Results are not guaranteed and individual results may vary.

Participants understand that in connection with any Program described above, KAILASA’s NHU, KAILASA Seattle, co-collaborators their teachers, organizers, volunteers, promoters and any representative or agent involved with any or all of the Programs described above do not make any claims, promises, or guarantees about the individual or group outcome of any or all of the Programs or their related services.

All events are subject to change. In the event of a change, we will make every effort to contact registered participants. We must reserve the right to make any changes whatsoever in the event owing to any unforeseen or unavoidable cause; or to cancel the event for any reason beyond our control without notice and without being liable to pay any participant compensation for damages or losses.

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Nithyanandam! Please send your questions and we will be in touch with you shortly.